Java is the coolest language which is very easy to learn, I give you some steps to learn. This is not the sanded way, but it worked for me also many of my Java Geeks!

  1. Find a Java Guide (Guru) : you can find one with in your friend or search for a person, or try to find one online. Also register yourself in QA forums is a best QA site.
  2. Get to know about Java, try to get a clear idea about “What is Java & what it can do?” : for this you can get the help of Youtube & QA sites.
  3. This is the Hardest part because now You need to learn the core concept of Java : Buy this book “Head First Java Your Brain on Java – A Learner’s Guide” ( this is the best and easy to learn book I have ever seen in my life.
  4. Now you need an IDE (Integrated Development Environment), Netbeans is an easy and powerful IDE for java development, download it now
  5. Ok, Lets jump in to Java world, develop your first swing application (Software) : download some “how to videos” from Youtube or click this link to do it step by step
  6. Done! – Now you are a Java Developer, but keep in mind you are not a java professional.
  7. Also To be a Java Expert you may need to follow some courses.

*Note : If you want to be a Java Professional you need to do some exams the basic exam is OCJP (Oracle Certifies Java Developer) , when you do this exam you will get a clear picture what java is, but don’t try to do it in the beginning you will suffer and you will hate Java.

Buy this book to Study OCJP : OCP Java SE 6 Programmer Practice Exams (Exam 310-065) (

I can recommend some Institutions for those who are in Sri Lanka

Thank you !

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I am a young, passionate individual with an enthusiastic attitude who thrives in creative environments. I hold a solid understanding of the design process and display a keen interest in emerging technologies and innovative products. I'm considered to be a 'Jack of all trades' and a complete creative nutcase!

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